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DooMeR blog

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We go again!
  DooMeR, Aug 30 2023

Thanks to punting sufficiently I have been invited back tonight at 4pm on If you care to watch leave a comment or something rooting so they know I sent ya. <3 would appreciate it

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Playing on BigBetLive
  DooMeR, Aug 23 2023

Hey LPers. It's been a long time. I just wanted to let you guys know I still play poker fulltime. I've been playing a lot on in recent years and befriended Jeremiah Williams. He was nice enough to get me an invite to the cashgame tomorrow (august 23rd). I don't have any social media presence or anything. So figured I'd make a blog post and see if any of you are interested or care enough to go watch/root for me that would definitely increase my chances of getting invited back in the future. Fingers crossed I don't punt too hard but no promises. My name is AJ btw for anyone that doesn't know. The stream starts at 4pm las Vegas time iirc and will go til 9pm. its 25/50+50bb ante probably 50/100 by the end of it. I believe we will have the 27 game on the entire time and lots of standup game.

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(Video) Gym fail lol.
  DooMeR, Oct 10 2015

So wanted to throw this clip up for you guys. And let you guys see me fail lol. I was supposed to do a set of 10 with 200. Instead I accidentally had put on an extra 10lb plate on the left side. So it turned out it was an off balance 210. When I unracked the weight I felt it pull to the left but since this bar had no knurling on the middle I thought I was just off center. (even though it felt right since I had positioned my hands first to gauge the middle. But instead of checking I just corrected for the imbalance and continued. Anyway since getting to watch the video. I found a big problem with my squat. I am letting my elbows drift too far back with this new hand positioning. I brought my grip in tighter recently and havent had a lot of time to play with it. So didn't realize my elbows were drifting so far back. Making it harder on myself to stay tight and upright. Because my lats arent as engaged. Will have to fit but all in all. It's important to pick your technique apart constantly and see where you can improve.

EDIT: here's another video shot with my cellphone. I used the same stance as last time and same setup (btw my belt isnt actually on : P i was about to get to my heavier weights and it occurred to me to just do a set pausing at the bottom so i never latched it.)

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